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The South Beach Diet Food List Helps People Remain On A Diet

A leading cardiologist named Dr. Agatston created the South Beach Diet for his patients, to improve their heart health, but found that they also lost weight.

This diet centers on eating the right amount of fats and carbohydrates. They restrict carbs on the South Beach Diet food list for the first two weeks and recommend switching to unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats.

When a person eats carbohydrates, including sugars and starch, their body converts this into glucose, which provides them with energy. The glycemic index grades foods founded on the effect on persons blood glucose level over a two or three hour period.

The pancreas releases the hormone insulin to get rid of sugar from the blood when the body has higher glucose levels. The low glycemic index foods release energy slower, so you feel full a longer length of time as your blood sugar remains stable. This may also help prevent diabetes.

The South Beach Diet food list and diet does not force people to starve themselves, cut out or give up their favorite foods, eat strange foods or eat at odd times.

Instead, this diet teaches people how to live a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods. On this diet, people do not feel hungry because they eat enough of the correct fats, carbs, and fiber.

By following the South Beach Diet food list and by learning what and how to eat healthy foods that make you feel full, people normally find they lose weight.

The south beach diet has three phases:

1. In the first phase, the amount of carbohydrate products consumed is very limited, which helps resolve the body’s insulin resistance.

On the South Beach Diet food list, the foods banned during the first phase include sugar, bread, alcohol, rice, sweets, potatoes, milk, fruit, and pasta. You replace these banned foods by eating foods such as eggs, lean meat, fish and chicken.

In this two-week phase, many people lose up to fourteen pounds, although a large percentage of this is water-loss.

2. The second phase of the South Beach diet gradually reintroduces low glycemic index foods or carbs back into the diet. On the South Beach Diet food list, this includes most fruits, skim milk, pasta, cereals, and whole grain breads.

You remain in phase two until you achieve your target weight.

Through all three phases of the South Beach diet program, people learn how to handle food cravings and the importance of a healthy eating lifestyle.

3. In phase three, the South Beach Diet food list reintroduces a large variety of foods back into your diet. This is the maintenance stage, which you remain on indefinitely.