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Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid Section


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Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid Article

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The Pyramid Diet Food Plan Does Work

Most people today are always looking for ways to lose weight, with some even going to extremes and almost starving themselves.

Along with being an unhealthy way to diet, it robs the body of essential nutrients it needs to function properly. People may lose weight quickly like this but usually gain it back just as fast. Losing weight does not have to be a highly restrictive diet.

The best way to become slim and fit is to come up with a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet food plan that permanently changes the way you eat.

By creating and following an easy diet food plan, you can drop pounds safely without starving and learn a healthier way of eating that you follow indefinitely. Maintaining your desired weight by learning to eat properly and following your diet food plan, prevents the yo-yo dieting that is so harmful.

An easy to follow diet food plan consists of foods on the USDA food pyramid, which they formulated to help people eat nutritional, healthy foods. They revised the food pyramid a few years ago when they changed it from three main food groups to six food groups by adding three protein subgroups.

By creating a diet food plan using the food pyramid and knowing exactly how many servings of each food group are required, you are sure to meet your daily nutritional requirements.

The pyramid food recommendations on your diet food plan should have grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, milk and meat, which also includes beans.

The food group under grains consists of cornmeal, oats, rice, wheat and other cereal grains such as oatmeal, bread, and pasta. Whole grains contain endosperm, germ, bran and more micronutrients, vitamins, and fiber than refined grains.

They mill refined grains, which removes the germ and bran, resulting in a finer texture and longer shelf life but takes out dietary iron, fiber and some vitamins. Be sure to have a minimum of three ounces daily of whole grains on your diet food plan.

Under vegetables, there are five subgroups, which are dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, dry peas and beans, starchy vegetables and others. The wonderful thing about vegetables on your diet food plan is you can have them cooked, raw, canned, fresh, frozen, dried or even as a one-hundred percent vegetable juice drink.

With this much variety, it is hard to get bored eating them. The same goes for fruit which you can have the same way. In the oil group, stick to polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats and away from saturated fats.

Low fat or fat free milk products are fine on your diet food plan, as long as they retain their calcium content.

Under the beans and meat group, eat low fat or lean poultry and meat and be sure to include fish, seeds, eggs, and nuts in your diet food plan.