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Understanding Websites That Are Rating Diet Supplements
It is extremely confusing to try to decipher all the different options for rating diet supplements online and in health and fitness magazines.
Every supplement claims to be number one in health benefits, weight loss or in overall muscle mass increase. To understand how rating of diet supplements is made online, it is first important to understand how they are advertised.
Most of the online sites that provide a list or section on rating diet supplements do so by voluntary rating scales by consumers that are supposed to have used the product.
The drawback to this system is that there is really no way to monitor if the individual doing the rating has really tried the product or if they are just giving an uniformed opinion.
There is also no quality control on how accurately they used the product, which would have a huge impact on their rating diet supplements on how effectively they worked.
Some sites involved in rating diet supplements consider more than just what the actual diet supplement does. They also rate the company, the companies website information, shipping and refund policies, the guarantee that the company or product provides as well as feedback from users. This is a much more comprehensive type of rating system, but it is still largely subjective and open to interpretation.
Most websites that are rating diet supplements are either in the United States or the United Kingdom, so issues such as shipping time, refund policies, shipping the product to foreign countries or the actual cost of the product may not apply unless you live in the same country and area as the rating is being completed.
Some of these sites will also give the product an overall numeric score that can be helpful in some cases, but misleading in others.
For example if the overall rating diet supplements score for a particular product was 95 out of a 100, one would logically assume that there was a 95% support of the product from a dietary supplement perspective.
In reality, the diet component is only 1/10 of the total rating. Carefully reading what the scores and scales indicates is very important on websites where multiple issues are being compared at the same time.
Finally it is important to remember when buying diet products that may have high rating scales from other countries there may be issues with bringing the supplement into the country.
Some of the rating diet supplements websites have links to product pages that are only available in certain countries. If you are purchasing these products it is the buyers responsibility to ensure that they are not violating any laws or restrictions for bringing diet pills or products into the country.