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What Is A Low Protein Diet?
With everyone talking about high protein diets all of the time, low protein diets don’t get a lot of attention. However, this type of diet does have good use.
Protein is one of the most basic parts of the human body. It makes up about 16 per cent of total body weight and is present in muscle, hair, skin and connective tissue.
Protein also plays a major role in cell development and the presence of fluids in the body. Many of the body’s important compounds are made up of protein, including enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA.
The body uses protein constantly, so it is important that people have enough protein in their diet.
If you’re considering starting a low protein diet then you should know more about proteins, which are made up of smaller units called amino acids. There are nine amino acids that the body cannot manufacture, so it is important that people get these amino acids from the foods they eat.
They can get these amino acids from meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as some plants.
The major food sources of proteins are meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese and peanut butter. Other sources of protein include vegetables, breads, cereals, pasta, fruits, fats and sugars. Those considering beginning a low protein diet will need to reduce their intake of these types of foods.
The amount of protein that an average person needs varies depending on their age, size and activity level. A person who is looking to build muscle mass and increase their fitness level may want to increase their protein intake.
People who engage in endurance exercise or heavy resistive exercise can benefit from adding additional protein to their diets. Others may want to consider a low protein diet.
For the average person, 10 to 20 per cent of caloric intake can be calories from protein. This is an estimate of the minimum number of calories a person needs to stay healthy and is the recommended amount for a low protein diet will need more.
The more calories a person needs to stay healthy, the more protein they will need also. However, people who are dieting should not reduce their protein intake to the amount of reduced calories they are ingesting.
If you’re considering beginning a low protein diet, consult your doctor about your health and the advisability of decreasing the amount of protein you ingest on a daily basis.
If all else is well, a low protein diet can be an excellent way to meet your weight and fitness goals.